These are wallpaper created by me. So far, I've only a few samples but I feel that alone is enough to show examples of the wallpaper that can be created of you.
If you are interested to create one, please do not hesitate to contact me via e-mail or any means available to you.
These samples are for your viewing.
Please note that these are just samples and some are quite old. As with all things, quality improves with age and experience and so too does the wallpaper. If you are interested to make a wallpaper for yourself, it's quality will be monitored.
All wallpaper sizes are in 600 X 800 pixels.
For the KLIMS 2003 wallpaper, please click here.
These are some of my earliest wallpaper creation
These too are quite basic and were done some time ago
A newer creation
Simple and Nice... nothing too fancy