On this page are photos of people that I've taken. I've only selected a few to be placed here.
All the photos here are photos of ladies that I have had the pleasure to meet and take pictures of.
I have long admired the female form (as would any man) but in ways not lewd.
I admire beauty in any form, like fine art. But beauty in the female form is another things altogether. I find it aesthetic, which is why I admire it for artistic purpose. Though I have never taken a pictures of the female form that I consider artistic enough, I am still learning in hopes one day I will get the chance to dwell into it.
Most of the pictures are what would be termed glamour shots.
These are some of the pictures.
Please be noted that some of them do not know that their pictures are placed here. If anyone whose pictures are here and do not wish it to be on public viewing, please e-mail me and I will do something about it.
These are my collection. Please bear in mind that these are not pro models but friends and acquaintances of mine. Some are pictures I took at conventions and contest. So don't expect to see any pro figures here.
The last six pictures are part of my portfolio. The rest are pictures I took for fun and some during contest.
I am looking for people to take pictures of to be added to my portfolio.
For those interested in taking pictures, please click here.
For those interested in making a wallpaper of their own pictures, click here.
For those only interested in pictures of ladies and nothing else, click here. Over here I have put in most of the pictures of people I've taken and also there is one section on Japanese idols.
This is a new section... pictorial books! Click here!